Designing Methodologies That Put The Client First
From Our Desk to Yours

Tomorrow Begins Today!
It is never to late to begin the process
"We cannot solve your problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."
Albert Einstein

From Our Desk To Yours
RemTecH Associates LLC operates as your partner in - Facility Planning / Project Design Development. Our expertise is in the field of Materials Management, Materials Handling, and Supply Chain Management. We bring a holistic and integrated view of evolving markets, technologies, and industry trends, which will allow you the best opportunity to achieve your business objectives. Within every developed strategic solution, we work side-by-side with you: through the implementation process to review progress and suggest appropriate adjustments; to ensure your original VISION for your project becomes REALITY! That is our promise to you and we will not stop working hard until you are satisfied with the results offered! No one in this industry can offer that - to ensure and secure your future growth.
TO GET STARTED - we offer you a means to evaluate your existing processes, as to their effectiveness to move and control inventory levels to every area of your facility and whether or not it will support future growth. It is critical that you review your material processes; especially when you consider any facility modification. Click on the document icon, answer the questions fully, and return it to us. We will review your conditions and offer specific suggestions that can increase your inventory management capabilities [FREE].
When it comes time to executing our recommendations, contact us again and we will offer a cost proposal to fix suggested areas outlined.
Call us today to discuss your unique needs

We Serve as Your Partner
There are "no moral shortcuts in business or life." Today there are basically three types of people in businesses: those who are unsuccessful, those who are temporarily successful, and those who become and remain successful, because they treat their clients with respect above profits! CHARACTER and INTERGITY is at the very core of this difference and how business is conducted." That is what RemTecH is all about!
Please see our most recent BlogSpot - as to why Healthcare needs help RemTecH Associates LLC: 2024
As your partner, the earlier we can assist in your design process, the better your success and that is our only desire (giving you a win-win). We suggest we begin our work during Pre-Schematic Design Phasing (when you first envision your needs) to develop a proper project phasing sequence; one that will assure your vision becomes reality. To transform your campus, to meet tomorrow's demands, it take a team effort.
As an independent and unbiased consulting firm, we look out for your interests - not the interests of the system manufacturer that has but one desire - sell you something. RemTecH understands the many challenges you face daily.
Extra operational expenses do to lost in productivity
Poorly conceived equipment design capabilities that will not grow to meet future demands
Concept considerations hindered by budget limitations forcing misdirected processes
Bio-Hazard Management and Waste Management concerns
Safety of staff and patients and a need to increase satisfaction levels
Meeting Certifications requirements in Strategic Master Planning Design Approach processes
These conditions and many others, if not done properly contribute to unnecessary operational costs that can place undue stress on interdepartmental relationships, decrease your capabilities within inventory flow processes, and patient / staff levels of satisfaction. 30-40% of Annual Revenue Loss comes from the improper design of operational locations, limited space to manage processes, and mismanagement of Campus Master Planning. We address this in every contract from sizing dock services to other internal processes--a waste management, pharmacy, laboratory, central supply, and central sterile supply--all with respect to properly transporting critical inventory levels throughout your facility. Each and every design offered reflects true "Value-Engineering" concepts that will make a difference. Uniqueness is your strength, so why not offer solutions that are unique, something other firms do not offer. It is our desire to serve you, not the system's manufacturer.
Facility change methodologies can be very challenging, but to continue the same directional path, accepting the norms offered today, will always lead to limited growth.
​"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results." (Albert Einstein)
For further information about what we provide, please refer to our Scope of Services. We also have a BlogSpot that will give you additional insights into Materials Management, Materials Handling, and Supply Chain Management processes. Together we can be change makers!
We are pleased to recommend several great companies out of all those who are partnering with us. Those outlined and offered upon request will make a difference to the way you conduct business.
Trey Hernandez Media - They will work with you on an array of media and video needs that will increase and expand your client / sales interactions. The video above was developed for us by this company. The link provided will offer additional accomplishments.
Dangerousgoods.com (Hazardous Management) - A family owned business comprised of a staff with over 32+ years of hands-on, day-to-day operating skills in the safe handling of materials identified as "hazardous" or "dangerous". The company was founded under the guidance of Larry Snellings, who many consider the "GURU" for Hazardous Materials Management. Open this link to see additional information on Dangerousgoods.com